Tag: information

How Best to Recover Following a Marathon: Evidence-Based Tips

Completing a marathon is a remarkable accomplishment that requires dedication, discipline, and months of preparation. Training for a marathon places a significant amount of stress on your body, both physically and mentally. When you cross the finish line, you may feel an overwhelming sense of relief, pride, and accomplishment. However, the post-race recovery period is just as important as the race itself, as it is essential to allow your body to heal and recover.

To Run or Not to Run When You’re Sick: What You Need to Know

When you're feeling under the weather, the last thing you may want to do is hit the pavement for a run. However, it can be difficult to determine whether running is a good idea or if it's better to take a rest day. Here's what you need to know about running when you're sick.

Fueling Your Body for Ultimate Performance

Running is an excellent form of physical activity, and fueling your body properly is essential to ensure that you can perform at your best. There are many options to choose from when it comes to fueling before, during, and after a run, and here are the top five options.

The Psychological Benefit of Running

Running is one of the most popular forms of exercise, and for good reason. Not only is it a great way to get your heart rate up and burn some calories, but it also has numerous psychological benefits. Here are just a few ways that running can improve your mental well-being:

Why is Core Strength Important for Running

Core strength is an essential aspect of running that is often overlooked. While many runners focus […]

The Importance of Moving Well to Run Well

Running is a great form of exercise that provides many physical and mental health benefits. However, […]


Overtraining. It’s a term that strikes fear into the hearts of all runners. Researchers believe that […]

The October Challenge 2022 – Focus on Sleep

Reset for winter – build good habits for the winter months to add years to your […]


The purpose of this blog is to explore the impact that climate (particularly temperature, humidity, and […]

Physiorun: A service to make you a Strong Runner

Find a job that you like and you won’t work a day for the rest of […]

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