
Sciatica is pain caused by compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve, which typically manifests as pain in the lower back or buttock that radiates down the back of the leg and occasionally into the foot. Sciatica can be caused by a variety of conditions, including lumbar disc injury, piriformis syndrome, or a more serious condition such as spinal stenosis. Pins and needles, numbness, or lower limb weakness may be symptoms of a more serious pathology; therefore, it is critical to have your pain properly assessed by a physiotherapist so that an accurate diagnosis can be made.

Among runners Sciatica is most commonly caused by piriformis syndrome, which occurs when the piriformis, a deep gluteal stabilising muscle, impinges on the sciatic nerve as it runs directly in front of or through it (in 10 percent of people).

In relation to a typical piriformis syndrome, the symptoms, causes, and prevention/treatment of sciatic pain will be discussed.


Pain typically begins in the buttock on one side, radiating down the back or outside of the upper leg, and occasionally into the calf; there may be some intermittent pins and needles/numbness into the leg. Buttock pain is typically a dull ache that is exacerbated by prolonged sitting, walking, or running. The glutes are normally tight during hip rotation movements and have deep pressure points that are tender to the touch.


The cause of pain is tightness of the piriformis muscle, which causes impingement on the sciatic nerve. There may be several factors that cause the muscle to tighten. The piriformis is in charge of externally rotating and abducting the hip, and it can become tight and overworked if the other gluteal abductor muscles, particularly the gluteus medius, are weak.

A leg length discrepancy, a rapid increase in mileage or training intensity, training on hard surfaces, or a sudden impact injury that places a high load through the glutes, such as falling and landing on the buttocks, can all contribute to the development of a tight piriformis.

Treatment and Prevention

As with any running injury, an initial period of offloading is required, so include hip strengthening and pelvic stability exercises in your weekly training routine to reduce instabilities and avoid training overload by using a periodized approach.

As previously stated, it is critical to have any sciatic pain evaluated by a professional in order to determine the cause and prescribe the most appropriate treatment.

Simple prevention strategies include stretching and foam rolling after training sessions, including some regular hip strengthening and pelvic stability exercises in your weekly training routine to reduce instabilities; avoiding training overload by using a periodized approach, and incorporating some regular hip strengthening and pelvic stability exercises into your weekly training routine. Check out the Running from Injury Classes for Targeted glute exercises.


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