Physiorun: A service to make you a Strong Runner

Find a job that you like and you won’t work a day for the rest of your life. When I started physiotherapy 13 years ago, I never in my wildest dreams could of imagined it would lead me here. Lockdown gave me a chance to consolidate and create a service created by a runner for ALL runners. Physiorun, the concept has taken shape by listening to the clients needs and trying to best service them.

Being forced online was a positive change for delivery of classes, webinars, CPD learning and it offered time to bring a lot of service ideas to the forefront. Physiorun is more than a clinic based approach, it has developed and will continue to develop, learning opportunities for myself and clients.

There are online classes, eBooks, youtube channel with drills, book clubs, linked professionals and specialised running injury prevention therapy. There was so much going on it needed a new home. The Physiorun Resource Centre will be the hub where all my learnings are shared and an environment for runners to share with me.

The following shows how far the service development has come in the past 4 years, and its not finished yet.

Running From Injury

Running from injury was created to try and best prepare the body for running. The more research I read the more it stated that running wasn’t enough to avoid injury. Strength training, although not loved by all runners, is an integral part of injury avoidance. The vast literature looks at the muscle groups, types of loading and also the method of plyometrics in reducing the risk of injury. The class is currently in its seventh block, so over 36 classes which help to reduce the risk of injury and allow you to bridge the gap towards including strength work in your weekly routine.

The structure of the class includes a warm up, a move-well set ( focus on form ), Gluteal, Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Calf complex, core and plyometrics. These exercises vary from week to week and creates a database of exercises for each of the above. There is a free taster class available for all here.

The Unlace the Brace series stemmed from my interest in doing better as a clinician. I wanted to investigate and learn about the relationship at the end of the leg with the ground. The initial Unlace the Brace was constructed during a holiday in Tenerife. I then fine tuned it with further research. Exposed myself to foot courses, articles and increased awareness of the anatomical structures required in the foot.

The Unlace the Brace 30 – day programme really was my rock during the initial lockdown in 2020. The class online and then developed into an eBook. This not only provided an income for me, but provided a routine and a hobby to pursue. The full subscription service on the web page has access to all 30 days. The programme can be found here.

A masters athlete is physiologically and psychologically different from their junior/senior counterparts. The Masters Athlete blog post goes into detail about the reason to create the “Master Runner Masterclass”. The aim was to address common capacity issues researched in this sub group of athletes. The main findings from the research show there is a high prevalence of tendon related issues. The reason for this is due to the loss of stiffness. Through targeted exercises researched to aid these common injuries. The masterclass will help educate and reduce the main risks to injury. The four week class starts in September. It can be enrolled in here. The classes will be uploaded to the full subscription section of the Physiorun Resource Centre.

This service is an integral part of my role at SPEAR. My professional development in running has taken me on various courses, symposiums and online learning around gait analysis. There are small interventions that can help with managing and reducing the risk of injury. The past injury history of the athlete. The combined strength / mobility markers provide a strategic plan for how best to run to your individual strengths.

A large part of my learning included the “Lost Art of Running” by Shane Benzie. His logical and experienced approach to gait analysis has helped me shape my gait analysis skills. I still leave scope to adjust for the individual needs.

A minimal input, for maximal output is my approach. Using the coaches eye software for recording. A cadence coach for strike cadence, the most efficient and effective approach to running can be created for you.

New to the department are the Runscribe pods. The biggest restriction to the treadmill testing was that a lot of athletes had not ran on a treadmill. They had their gait analysis completed and the feedback was that they felt they ran differently than normal. I found that when running on a treadmill the body stays still whilst the feet moves. This places a huge stress on the lower limb (below the knee). When running outside, the foot is still and the body has to move. This places more stress around the hip and the knee. This made me think about how best to capture data from a runner in their natural environment. On testing the pods I can collect data from numerous shoes. I can look at terrain. The impact certain sessions have on the body. The phase of the marathon training can then be compared.

One study that I held on myself was looking at the response of 5 different pairs of shoes. The treadmill continued at the same speed. The study, (only one subject) showed the difference between a new shoe versus and old. The difference trail versus an road flat. The feedback also speculated which shoe could best help during an injury cycle. This helps to optimise performance and reduce the risk of injury recurrence. For further information on the pod hire please drop me an email

Kettle Kapers, created for runners who are short on time. The concept is to complete a running related drill in the time it takes to boil a kettle. While the kettle to boils a simple and easy drill can be completed. The more coffees/teas you have a day the more drills you can complete. The whole series can be found on the Physiorun Resource Centre for subscribers and also on instagram.

The initial brainchild came from a suggestion from a client. If there is something that is a barrier to you completing any exercises. Please reach out and we can create something to help you.

The Physiorun Resource centre was built to provide a community hub. A one stop subscription services offers a place where you can access all the content. It is released to help your running. The content includes the 30-day Unlance The Brace plan for foot strengthening. The full Running From Injury online classes. The new Core For Runners. The series Kettle Kapers and the whole back catalogue of blog posts. For £5 per month you have access to over £200 worth of content and building.

The Marathon Spotlights can be found here which provide numerous hints and tips about the marathon distance. The Magic Formula on how to improve your running. Injury information is shared through the 100m Dash series which will always be added to along the way.

The amount of content amassed over 4 years finally has a one stop shop . There are free resources and upon subscribing you will have every tool needed to help you unlace the brace, run from injury and achieve your personal best. Join the physiorun community to reap the benefits from our local community providers as showcased below.

The community discounts will be to showcase local businesses that help the running community. Thus far there are discounts on your physiotherapy provision (members rate) and for local products. HBHM ( a local CBD oil) are looking to develop their Healthy Body Healthy Mind products which they have gifted us 10% off as a physiorun subscriber. Over the next few months I will be looking to add to these. If you, or your business wish to joint the physiorun community. Please reach out on

A village or community is important as no one person can do all the tasks required for runners. To have trusted service providers is important, but also it allows collaboration to provide the best service for you.

Do you have a race to promote, share an experience or just a good “Running Hack 101” please share, sharing is caring!!

If you have any questions about any of the services provided by Physiorun. Please get in contact and see how we can help guide you towards your goal. Your goal be it a marathon, C25K or just for health reasons – there is a service available for you.

Run Long and Prosper


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