
*Back by popular demand*

!!Free programme, free exercises, free plan to improve your running all as a thank you for following the blog and the end of #project345…never fear the blog will continue with all aspects running including new features of “Injury Time”, “HWI – How was it” and the odd marathon spotlight to boo.

The challenge is set…read on if you choose to accept…


“Unlace the brace” …

UnlaceVerb – …undo the laces of (a shoe or garment),

BraceVerb – … press (one’s body or part of one’s body) firmly against something in order to stay balanced.

The idea of this initiative came to me whilst out on a long run. The seed was planted with a podcast and over the 20 miles it developed and blossomed into an idea to aid runners with ankle, plantar fascia, ligamentous, calf,shin splint or any foot issue with the aim to improve running performance and reduce the risk of injury.


Would you take on a programme that will both improve your injury and improve your performance for free?

The podcast in question was by Dr Perry Nickleson otherwise known for his resources “Stop Chasing Pain”. This resource has inspired me as too has fellow physiotherapist James Dunne from Kinetic Revolution. 


James Dunne ran a programme to make “building better runners” and it involved a month of a routine to improve the robustness of the runner and educate the runner on which exercises would help improve their performance.


In the podcast, the podiatrist talks at length ( it was a 20mile run after all) about the importance of strengthening the foot, not just in one plane but in multiple planes and the foot, which is meant to twist and move in different directions when in contact with different stimuli.

Since starting the #project345 I have learnt, read books, read journals, listened to podcasts, watched videos and asked numerous questions to gain as much experience in running injuries, mainly endurance injuries, to deliver a quality service to the runners of Aberdeen and surrounds.


What the programme is, is a chance to improve your foot strength, proprioception ( awareness of body in space) and balance.  This is important as running is a single legged sport where transferring weight from one side to the other requires muscle strength, control and muscle patterning to prevent overloading on structures.  The programme involves completing two exercises, which change daily, and to expose the foot to barefoot walking.  Your performance will be monitored by self testing ( three simple tests, easy to complete) with the exercises being emailed daily with links to the videos of the exercises to be completed.

Recently I cam across Tom Michaud, Human Locomotion, who has researched at depth the best ways to prevent decreases in running performance as you get older.  He looks at sarcopenia ( muscle loss ) and how it increases after 30 and between 50-82 years, you have lost 50% of your muscle tissue.  On further work the muscle lost was predominately at the feet and ankles, with 11% of the force output in over 50 year olds compared to their younger running peers. We need to load and expose the feet to progressive stresses to increase their ability to accept load and adapt to this.


The plan will be different this time around, improved from the previously ran programme and will include two work outs per week followed by a third mobility sequence.  Each workout is 3-4 exercises with levels of progressions, a foot and lower leg circuit, which should take no more than 10minutes to complete.  The work outs will be posted in the facebook group and can be completed as and when you are able, with no pressure.

The group allows an open forum to discuss any issues with the exercises, feedback or ideas to improve the programme.  The forum will be closed but across a variety of runner who can share and learn from others experiences.

So what are you waiting for?

All you have to do is….

  • like @physiorun on Instagram
  • Subscribe to the #project345 blog 
  • join the #unlacethebrace facebook group to discuss progress you are making
  • If posting any daily snaps of you completing the exercises on instagram use the #unlacethebrace and tag @physiorun
  • Enjoy the process of getting better


Thanks as always for reading

Run Long and Prosper



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