My 5 favourite podcasts

In lockdown I have turned to podcasts to help keep me company. There has been a massive upsurge in the volume of podcasts out there and a couple of these I have stumbled upon. I like listening to music. It can have a huge affect on keeping my pace in check. It kills two birds when I take on a podcast. I feel I learn something, and I exercise….plus have I mentioned I am obsessed with running at the moment. Everyday I want to increase my running IQ….here are a few podcasts that have helped with that. Whats your favourite? Have you heard of any of these?

5. Can’t Hurt Me – David Goggins

Link to Book

This was a podcast / audiobook and had me hooked from the start of the book. Leading you through his life and how he went from nothing to being the hardest m@therf@cker on planet earth. It inspired me and planted a seed in my head with the internal monologue as follows:-

David Goggins – “Man, I’m sick of everyone telling me what I can’t do. I wanna show people what I can do!!

…Me – “That sounds cool, so do I.”

DG – “how far can you run?”

…Me – I don’t know David, good question

DG – “No… How far can you really run?”

…Me – “I wanna run till I can’t no more”

The journey is great. The audiobook really hypes you up. The book provides motivation initially and then the importance of discipline. Definitely worth a look. Be warned it may make you do silly stuff.

4. Monarch Human Performance

This podcast is niche. Tactical content for army, police, fire and any tactical population. I was lucky enough to be invited on to discuss feet and running injuries with John. It was a delightful hour that introduced me to a whole new world in tactical importance in the population. John is very knowledgable around the area of strength and conditioning. He discusses a wide range of topics in his podcast. A listen for an alternative approach to all things strength in the tactical world.

3. KoopCast – Ultra Running Podcast

I found this one after my sports psychologist recommended a book called “Field guide to Ultra Running”. The episode that stood out to me was on mental imagery and self talk in ultra running episode. It was great. I have listened to the Stephen Seiler episode which as previous is golden for knowledge around training and importance of understanding training. An absolute must for the ultra runners out there. The ultra running world is very new to me. This podcast is slowly starting to give me a lot of very important pointers and directives to take into my training. The explanations and reasoning are important for understanding. This is why this podcast was great for me.

2. The Physical Performance Show

This is golden. The content is vast and varied. I love the episodes with Dr Stacy Sims, Stephen Seiler, Matthew Walker and any content with Brad and guest physiotherapists. My research into Dr Stacy Sims and Stephen Seiler has went a lot further. Really enjoying the journey. This podcast for physiotherapists will change your practice. The delivery and depth of the questioning from Brad is a delight to listen to and makes the podcast easy to listen to and delivers quality episode after quality episode.

1. TRS

The boys are great. Low key and just make you laugh. They say the things we think, but out loud. Kyle and Tom in their own right are great athletes and the episode where they took on the UTMB is an awesome episode and worth a listen. They keep it local, wear the heart on their sleeve and just pursuit the truth. Over a hundred episodes and going great guns!!! Well done boys!

These have kept me going. I hope you can suggest alternatives for me. These are what I recommend for you!!

Thanks for reading

Run long and prosper



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