Recently I have come across many free running resources. The blog was also created to provide as much information as possible for all runners, recreational to elite. The following resources are my top 10 free running resources.
10. The Tartan Running Shorts Podcast
The Tartan Running Shorts podcast is great. As a free running resource it is amazing. The camaraderie between Tom and Kyle is very easy to listen to . The boys strategically and haphazardly work their way through the big topics in the running world, often popping in their two cents worth. The knowledge of the sport is there for all to hear and enjoy. The calibre of guest is great and really interesting. It is a must to have in your ears during your longer runs.
9. The “Running book club” book club
This group on facebook was created to share good running books. There are so many different types of book from autobiographies to racing journeys. It was started as a group online and developed into a shelf at Run 4 It Aberdeen where you can trade your book for another book.
There are many different books and I personally have picked some brilliant reads from suggested reading. Its is great to hear the positives and negatives of books before getting them. A great free running resource and also home of the worst hashtag #showmeyourpiles

8. Front Runner Pacing Calculator
This resource I found during an online seminar and it is great. It helps to give the runner the expected pacing zones based on a 30 minute maximal test or the 12 minute cooper test. Upon entering your distance it then breaks your specific training zones down in to five zones. In these zones it will then tell you what pace each run would be. Its a great way to ensure you don’t push to hard on easy runs and too easy on hard runs. It works off of pace rather than heart rate, reducing the variability.

7. The Physical Performance Podcast
The Physical performance podcast and Brad Beer have changed my running. From the highs, lows and learnings from top athletes right thorough to expert editions. Every thing is covered in their free running resource from the female athlete to bone stress injuries. Brad is sensible and very knowledgeable and it does’t take long to get on board with his thoughts. My favourite episode had to be the Dr Stacy Sims. The episode has helped me to begin to understand the female athlete further. Her book is also a great read for any coach, support staff member and female athlete.
The podcast also led me to the online running symposium which you can pick up bonus free running resources (part 1) and (Part 2).
6. Unlace the brace – taster sessions
The very successful 30 day program has two free taster sessions that you can participate with in your own time. A try before you buy the eBook. The two taster sessions give the overview of what the class entails and can be viewed below. With over 250 books sold, 90 plus classes and over 90 people completing the course it has been pivotal in helping runners survive lockdown by addressing their weaknesses.
This is a project that has been going really well with the clinic I work in. We have been delivering these free 30 minute + evenings on a Monday to provide a forum to answer any physiotherapy questions. We also have been able to invite a couple of guests to talk about their training in lockdown. How they have adapted to the current situation. The video below is of when Myles Edwards came on the show and there are many pearls of wisdom in this one.
4. Virtual Racing
Virtual racing is not like proper racing, I get that. It is a nice alternative to the real thing. I have been able to take part in a few over lockdown. There is no better feeling than to put on the club colours and put an effort in.
The Gathimba Edwards Foundation are running a series of runs over the summer each with a bespoke Kenyan themed medal. I love the medal and although a donation to the charity is required, the runs are easy to complete. Enter online, follow the rules and strava your run. A couple of weeks later hey presto the medal is on your doorstep. There has been Ultra marathon races, 1km races, relay races. There was even a grudge match between Aberdeen Athletics Club and Metro Running Club. First blood went to AAC but I have a feeling the Metro beast will return.

3. The Great Big Parkrun Quiz
Do you love quizzes? Do you love parkrun? There is very little more I can say about this free running resource other than keep your wits about you and put on your thinking caps. The weekly online quiz takes place during the parkrun time of 9am on a Saturday. Subscribe to the channel to make sure you don’t miss out on the next one. They are all available to watch back also. Join in the fun.
2. Running Documentaries
This is where I get a lot of my silly ideas. Watching and inspiring to be like the top end athletes as they smash their goals. Through failures and setbacks the goal is seldom missed if the right amount of hard work and dedication go into it. There are three of notable excellence. First the review of “Made to be Broken” follows the task of breaking the record to run the Alopachian trial. Then there is the Breaking 2 : Eliud Kipchoge, everyone will have heard of the feat but they might not have known about the science and precision that went into completing the challenge. Lastly my favourite ” ICARUS” which looks at why Sochi Winter Games was the most successful home games for Russia.
This is a little biased but I have put a lot of work into collaborating information for the local runner. I really enjoyed the marathon spotlights where we were able to ask multiple athletes questions on the distance. The website is a new resource taking over from the the old ( mainly as the web site didn’t fit on a cap :-)). Sharing the resource and expanding the content is a huge goal of mine.

The webpage has an abundance of resources from which running apps will help you, how to train the brain, how to deal with an injury emotionally and training plans. The new website ( is a one stop for your free running resources and also home of Unlace the brace (30-day foot strengthening program – to improve performance and reduce injury risk)

I hope you have found at least one or two free running resources that will help you as a runner. If you have found the blog useful please support and share the webpage with your running friends. I really enjoy engaging with the running community so if there is any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.
Run Long and Prosper
James @physiorun