It was great to catch up with one part of the Seville Dream Team this week in the Marathon Spotlight. I have both ran and trained with Richard for a few years and is someone I am in awe with how humble he is about his running and how he is storming the Veteran age group. His burpees aren’t great but when you can run 2:52:13 you can let him off. Richard always takes an interest in your training and he led a lot of the training runs through Rebel on a Tuesday night and is known as the Grandfather of run club. Thanks again Richard for taking the time to be in the spotlight, again another great read with numerous hints and tips.
Marathons completed?
3 in last 9 months, soon to be 4 in a year after Boston in April
PB Marathon time?
2hrs 52mins 13 secs
Favourite marathon and why?
Loch Ness for scenery, absolutely amazing and friendly. Well recommended.
Seville for organization and optimal PB running conditions. (flattest in Europe)
Worst marathon memory and why?
Thankfully nothing too bad physically or mentally so far!
Only thing that was disappointing was security at end of Seville. They ushered me away from finish line very quickly and I couldn’t enjoy the moment much, as there was no family meeting area! (And Scott was way behind! hahahah!)
What made you take up running?
Although I started doing Rebel bootcamp in 2015, Nicola Morrison, a Rebel PT trainer started a Run Club on a Tuesday night, in 2016 and that got me started.
Hydration & Nutrition snack of choice on long runs?
Porridge and banana 2-3 hrs before any long run, followed by SIS gel 10 mins before, then every 9km from then on. (Always take one before I need it!)
Favourite session and why??
I enjoy all sessions. The people who go to the sessions make it enjoyable. Rebel or Metro, there’s always a laugh to be had.
Terrain – trail, track or tarmac?
Tarmac, no question.
Funniest running memory?
Wee Craig Sutherland having a Paul Radcliffe moment at Hazlehead 2 months ago!
Benefits you find to the rebel training that help the running?
Without a doubt Rebel has a lot to answer for! The fun and the laughs we have are brilliant. I have made many friends at Rebel and making many more at Metro.
Asfor the training aspect, core body work helps immensely with upper body strength. The variety of exercises and routines gives good all round workout every week.
Running Shoes
I have few pairs, my Sauconys and New Balance ones are on their last legs, but they’ve seen me through 3 marathons and all my other races. Luckily, I managed to bag 2 pairs of Nike Pegasus 35s during Black Friday and I’m really liking them.
SEVILLE marathon – top 5 points of the experience?
- Organisation was excellent
- Crude but true, toilet facilities were exceptional (important for an old guy like me)
- Tracking App
- Pacers
- Water stations every 2.5km
- Support
- Starting pens well controlled
- Goody bag was great (Got a free City Tour Hop on Hop off bus tour the next day!)
- No hills. Flat, flat, flat ! Elevation round the course was -10m!!! You got into a rhythm and didn’t have to adjust too much.
- It was my first experience of racing abroad and that made it special, running around a beautiful city.
- Expo was good although way out of town
- Ice cream in Seville was brilliant!
Top tip for #projectRUN for London Marathon ?
Fuelling on the day, ensure you take whatever form of glycogen you’ve been training with before your body tells you you need it, and of course, don’t go off too fast! Run within your capabilities and feel good for as long as you can. It’s much better to be passing guys in the last 5km than be the one being passed. Does wonders for your mental strength and confidence when you need it the most.
Thanks Richard, some great information there. If you fancy finding out about the Rebel training click on the link here. So we have to look out for wee Craig at Hazelhead, found lurking around the bushes .:-)
Thanks as always for reading and sharing
Run Long and Prosper
James @physiorun