Category: Physiorun

How Best to Recover Following a Marathon: Evidence-Based Tips

Completing a marathon is a remarkable accomplishment that requires dedication, discipline, and months of preparation. Training for a marathon places a significant amount of stress on your body, both physically and mentally. When you cross the finish line, you may feel an overwhelming sense of relief, pride, and accomplishment. However, the post-race recovery period is just as important as the race itself, as it is essential to allow your body to heal and recover.

Jill Scott

Jill Scott is a name that is synonymous with success both on and off the field. She is a powerhouse midfielder who has been a key player for both the England national team and Manchester City. Her contributions to football have been significant, and her hard work and dedication have paid off in the form of numerous awards and accolades

Mastering the Marathon: Evidence-Based Training and Race Strategy Tips

Running a marathon is a challenging feat that requires endurance, discipline, and proper training. To maximize your performance and minimize the risk of injury, it is crucial to adopt an evidence-based approach to your training and race strategy. In this article, we will explore the most effective ways to run a marathon, based on scientific research and expert recommendations.

Tailwind Hydration Powder

Tailwind Hydration powder is a popular hydration and energy supplement among endurance athletes, including runners, cyclists, and triathletes. Overall, I found the product to have some positive attributes, such as providing a good energy burst, and some negatives, such as leaving a chalky taste and requiring additional water intake.

Torq Gels

TORQ gels are a popular energy gel among runners and other endurance athletes. Overall, I found the gels to have a positive taste and be effective in providing a quick burst of energy during long runs or intense workouts. However, there were a few downsides that I experienced while using these gels.

Build : Don’t Talk

Build: Don’t Talk by Raj Shamani is a powerful and motivating book that teaches readers how […]

Sir Keir Stammer

I am not political - so when this guest came up on the High Performance Podcast, I wasn't overly excited. One of the running themes of the podcast is to be less judgemental and more curious. This was another example of a brilliant podcast and I really liked the answers - the interview and the level of sharing Sir Keir went into. There is a summary of the high performance show interview below.

Book Review : Circadian Code – Dr Satchin Panda

I have just completed the book titled "The Circadian Code: Lose Weight, Supercharge Your Energy, and Transform Your Health from Morning to Midnight." It is a fascinating book by Dr. Satchin Panda that explores the impact of our internal biological clock, or circadian rhythm, on our health and well-being. Dr. Panda is a leading expert in circadian biology, and in this book, he explains how aligning our daily routines with our internal clock can lead to better sleep, improved metabolism, and overall health and wellness.

Adam Grant

Adam Grant is a renowned organizational psychologist, best-selling author, and professor at Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He is recognized globally for his groundbreaking research on leadership, work motivation, and organizational psychology.

Dame Stephanie Shirley

I recently listened to the podcast by Jake Humphrey and Damien Hughes with Dame Stephanie Shirley. She shared a fantastic amount of humility and positive thoughts in the podcast. I have started to look a little further into the participants that appear on the podcast and those that shape my practice.